

17 products

Showing 1 - 17 of 17 products

Showing 1 - 17 of 17 products
Lovibond Glycol RefractometerLovibond Glycol Refractometer
Lovibond Lovibond Glycol Refractometer
Sale price£105.45
  Excluding VAT
Hanna Instruments-96800 Refractometer for Refractive Index and Brix
Hanna Instruments-4020-11 Brix standard 50%, 10mL
Hanna Instruments-96803 Refractometer for Glucose 0 to 85% scale
Hanna Instruments-96811 Refractometer for wine 0 to 50% Brix range
Hanna Instruments-96812 Refractometer for wine 0 to 28% Baumé scale
Hanna Instruments-96801 Refractometer for General Purpose Sugars
Hanna Instruments-96832 Refractometer for Propylene Glycol
Hanna Instruments-96816 Refractometer for wine with Potential Alcohol
Hanna Instruments-96822 Refractometer for Seawater Measurements
Hanna Instruments-96802 Refractometer for Fructose 0 to 85% scale

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